Bridge ID

Bridge ID helps to redirect the query or transaction to the appropriate bridge protocol. By default, it tries to communicate with the Stargate mainnet. Following is the list of Bridge with their respective IDs.

Bridge Name
Bridge ID
Chains Supported



  1. Mainnet Chains supported: Ethereum, Binance, Avalanche, Polygon, Arbitrum, Fantom, & Optimism

  2. Testnet Chains supported: Ethereum(Goerli), Polygon(Mumbai)

Squid Router

  1. Mainnet: 200

  2. Testnet: 201

  1. Mainnet source chains supported: Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism, Avalanche, Polygon, Binance, Fantom.

  2. Mainnet destination chains supported: Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism, Avalanche, Polygon, Binance, Fantom, Linea, Base, MoonBeam, Mantle, Celo, Kava, Filecoin, Osmosis, Cosmoshub, Kujira, Neutron, Stargaze, Axelarnet, Umee, Persistence, Sommelier, Stride, Crescent, Juno, Carbon, Regen, Agoric, Chihuahua, Akash, Comdex, Archway, Quicksilver, Omniflixhub, Migaloo, Mars, Terra, Assetmantle, GravityBridge, Bitcanna, Bitsong, Cheqd, Decentr, Desmos, Irisnet, Impacthub, Jackal, Likecoin, Lumnetwork, Sentinel.

  3. Testnet source chains supported: Ethereum-2, arbitrum, avalanche, polygon, binance, fantom.

  4. Testnet destination chains supported: Ethereum-2, arbitrum, linea, avalanche, mantle, moonbeam, filecoin, polygon, binance, fantom, celo, osmosis-6, axelarnet, kujira, sei, fetch, evmos, comdex, aura.

Last updated

#553: ENC-2526-LIDO

Change request updated