PancakeSwap V2
Supported Chains
Available on Aptos, Binance Mainnet, and Binance Testnet.
Available Endpoints:
Click on the endpoint to jump to the section with full details
- Returns the swap quotation for a given token pair./getuserliquidity
- Returns the balance of a particular token pair of accounts./getpoolliquidity
- Returns the total liquidity for a specified pool./gettokenliquidity
- Returns the individual token liquidity within the specified liquidity pool./getliquidityholders
- Returns the swap quotation for a given token pair. - Returns the total number of liquidity holders in the specified pool. Currently Available on Binance./getindividualposition
- Returns the swap quotation for a given token pair. - Returns the total number of liquidity holders in the specified pool. Currently Available on Binance./gethistoricaltimeseries
- Returns the swap quotation for a given token pair. - Returns the total number of liquidity holders in the specified pool. Currently Available on Binance./gethistoricaltransactions
- Returns the swap quotation for a given token pair. - Returns the total number of liquidity holders in the specified pool. Currently Available on Binance./addliquidity
- Add liquidity to a specified pool in a specified DEX./removeliquidity
- Remove liquidity from a specified pool in a specified DEX.
Many endpoints have a parameter where you can provide a DEX ID.
Below is a list of DEX IDs related to PancakeSwap V3. Please see the DEX ID page for a complete DEX ID list and more information.
DEX Name | Chain | DEX ID |
PancakeSwap V2 | Binance Smart Chain | 1200 |
PancakeSwap V2 | Binance Smart Chain Testnet | 1201 |
PancakeSwap V2 | Aptos | 2900 |
PancakeSwap V2 | Aptos Testnet | 2901 |
Endpoint Details
Returns the swap quotation for the given token pair.
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
rpc | String | Remote procedural call URL. |
dexId* | String | Refer to the DEX ID page for details. |
path* | String | Comma separated values of token addresses whose price is to be fetched. |
amountIn* | String | Amount of token. |
Returns the balance of a particular token pair of an account.
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
rpc | String | Remote procedural call URL. |
tokenA* | String | Address of token. |
address* | String | Public address of liquidity provider. |
dexId* | String | Refer to the DEX ID page for details. |
tokenB* | String | Address of token |
Query Parameters for APTOS
Name | Type | Description |
rpc | String | Remote procedural call URL. |
poolAddress* | String | Address of token. |
address* | String | Public address of liquidity provider. |
dexId* | String | Refer to the DEX ID page for details. |
Returns the total liquidity for a specified pool.
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
rpc | String | Remote procedural call URL. |
poolAddress* | String | Pool address whose liquidity is to be fetched. |
dexId* | String | Refer to DEX ID page for details. |
Returns the individual token liquidity within the specified liquidity pool.
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
rpc | String | Remote procedural call URL. |
poolAddress* | String | The pool address. |
dexId* | String | Refer to DEX ID page for details. |
Returns the total number of liquidity holders in the specified pool. Currently Available on Binance.
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
rpc | String | Remote procedural call URL. |
poolAddress* | String | The pool address. |
dexId* | String | Refer to DEX ID page for details. |
Returns the liquidity position for a specified user address across all the pools for the DEX. Currently available on Binance
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
rpc | String | Remote procedural call URL. |
address* | String | The public address of the liquidity holder. |
dexId* | String | Refer to DEX ID page for details. |
poolSize | String | The number of pools for which the user intends to fetch the individual position. By default: 50, Maximum: 9,950 |
poolAddresses | String | The pool Addresses whose liquidity is to be fetched. (Comma-separated vaules) |
Get the historical time series transactions for a specific pool address. Currently available on Binance
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
dexId* | String | Refer to DEX ID page for details. |
endBlock | String | Last block of the range. |
startBlock | String | Starting block of the range. |
poolAddress* | String | Pool address whose time series is to be fetched. |
Get the historical transactions focusing on swaps associated with a specific pool address. Currently available on Binance
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
dexId* | String | Refer to DEX ID page for details. |
endBlock | String | Last block of the range. |
startBlock | String | Starting block of the range. |
poolAddress* | String | Pool address whose transactions is to be fetched. |
Initiate a swap transaction on a specified DEX.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
dexId* | String | Refer to the DEX ID page for details. |
path* | Array | Comma-separated values of token addresses, inside an array, to swap. |
amountIn* | String | Amount of token to be swapped. |
amountOutMin* | String | Minimum amount accepted as a result of swap. |
to* | String | Address of the recipient of the token. |
deadline* | String | Deadline for the transaction to be executed (UNIX Timestamp). |
from* | String | Address of the sender of the token. |
gas* | String | Maximum gas limit provided by the sender, for the transaction. |
rpc | String | Remote procedural call URL. |
involveBaseToken | String | If a base token is involved in the swap;
By default, |
slippage | String | Percentage of total swap value. By default, 1. 0 <= slippage value <= 100 |
gasPriority | String | low, medium, or high. |
With gasPriority:
Request Body for APTOS
Name | Type | Description |
rpc | String | Remote procedural call URL. |
dexId* | String | Refer to the DEX ID page for details. |
path* | Array | Comma-separated values of token addresses, inside an array, to swap. |
amountIn* | String | Amount of token to be swapped. |
from* | String | Address of the sender of the token. |
gas* | String | Maximum gas limit provided by the sender, for the transaction. |
slippage | String | Percentage of total swap value. By default, 1. 0 <= slippage value <= 100 |
Add liquidity to a specified pool in a specified DEX.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
dexId* | String | Refer to the DEX ID page for details. |
tokenA* | String | Address of the first token being added. |
tokenB* | String | Address of the second token being added. |
amountADesired* | String | Desired amount of token A. |
amountBDesired* | String | Desired amount of token B. |
amountAMin* | String | Minimum amount of token A. |
amountBMin* | String | Minimum amount of token B. |
deadline* | String | Deadline for the transaction to be executed (UNIX Timestamp). |
to* | String | Address of the recipient of the token. |
from* | String | Address of the sender of the token. |
gas* | String | Maximum gas limit provided by the sender, for the transaction. |
rpc | String | Remote procedural call URL. |
slippage | String | Percentage of total swap value. By default, 1. 0 <= slippage value <= 100 |
gasPriority | String | low, medium, or high. |
With gasPriority:
Request Body for APTOS
Name | Type | Description |
dexId* | String | Refer to the DEX ID page for details. |
path* | String | Comma-separated values of token addresses, inside an array, to Add Liquidity. |
amountIn* | String | Comma-separated values of amount for TokenA and TokenB, inside an array. |
from* | String | Address of the user. |
gas* | String | Maximum gas limit provided by the sender, for the transaction. |
rpc | String | Remote procedural call URL. |
slippage | String | Percentage of total swap value. By default, 1. 0 <= slippage value <= 100 |
Remove liquidity from a specified pool for a specified DEX.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
dexId* | String | Refer to the DEX ID page for details. |
tokenA* | String | Address of the first token being removed. |
tokenB* | String | Address of the second token being removed. |
liquidity* | String | Total amount of liquidity to be removed from the given pool. |
amountAMin* | String | Minimum amount of Token A. |
amountBMin* | String | Minimum amount of Token B. |
deadline* | String | Deadline for the transaction to be executed (UNIX Timestamp). |
to* | String | Address of the recipient of the token. |
from* | String | Address of the sender of the token. |
gas* | String | Maximum gas limit provided by the sender, for the transaction. |
rpc | String | Remote procedural call URL. |
gasPriority | String | low, medium, or high. |
slippage | String | Percentage of total swap value. By default, 1. 0 <= slippage value <= 100 |
With gasPriority:
Request Body for APTOS
Name | Type | Description |
rpc | String | Remote procedural call URL. |
dexId* | String | Refer to the DEX ID page for details. |
path* | String | Comma-separated values of token addresses, inside an array, to Remove Liquidity. |
liquidity* | String | Total amount of liquidity to be removed from the given pool. |
from* | String | Address of the sender of the token. |
gas* | String | Maximum gas limit provided by the sender, for the transaction. |
slippage | String | Percentage of total swap value. By default, 1. 0 <= slippage value <= 100 |
Last updated