Aave V2

Supported Chains

Available on Ethereum , Avalanche and Polygon.

Available Endpoints:

Click on the endpoint to jump to the section with full details

  • /getpoolGET - Get the lend and borrow APY for the given pool from AAVE protocol.

  • /getpools GET - Get the list of supply and borrow APYs of the mentioned assets.

  • /getuseraccountdata GET - Get the repay, borrow, withdraw amount and health factor details for the given user.

  • /getuserpositions GET - Retrieves the lending and borrowing positions of a user, including details such as token balances and collateral usage status.

  • /borrow POST - Trigger the borrow transaction from the given protocol.

  • /deposit POST - Trigger the deposit transaction from the given protocol.

  • /repayPOST - Trigger the repay transaction from the given protocol.

  • /withdrawPOST - Trigger the withdraw transaction from the given protocol.

Lending Protocol IDs

Many endpoints have a parameter where you can provide a lendborrow ID.

Below is a list of lendborrow IDs related to Aave V2. Please see the lendborrowID for a complete Lending Protocol ID list and more information.

Endpoint Details


Get the lend and borrow APY for the given pool from AAVE protocol.

GET https://api.expand.network/lendborrow/getpool

Query Parameters


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Get the list of supply and borrow APYs of the mentioned assets.

GET https://api.expand.network/lendborrow/getpools

Query Parameters


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Get the repay, borrow, withdraw amount and health factor details for the given user.

GET https://api.expand.network/lendborrow/getuseraccountdata

Query Parameters


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Retrieves the lending and borrowing positions of a user, including details such as token balances and collateral usage status.

GET https://api.expand.network/lendborrow/getuserpositions

Query Parameters


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Trigger the borrow transaction from the given protocol.

POST https://api.expand.network/lendborrow/borrow

Request Body

    "lendborrowId": "1000",
    "asset": "0xC011a73ee8576Fb46F5E1c5751cA3B9Fe0af2a6F",
    "amount": "100",
    "from": "0x63056E00436Da25BcF48A40dfBbDcc7089351006",
    "onBehalfOf": "0x63056E00436Da25BcF48A40dfBbDcc7089351006",
    "interestRateMode": "2",
    "gas": "408298"

With gasPriority(medium):

    "lendborrowId": "1000",
    "asset": "0xC011a73ee8576Fb46F5E1c5751cA3B9Fe0af2a6F",
    "amount": "100",
    "from": "0x63056E00436Da25BcF48A40dfBbDcc7089351006",
    "onBehalfOf": "0x63056E00436Da25BcF48A40dfBbDcc7089351006",
    "interestRateMode": "2",
    "gas": "408298",
    "gasPriority": "medium"

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Trigger the deposit transaction from the given protocol.

POST https://api.expand.network/lendborrow/deposit

Request Body

    "lendborrowId": "1000",
    "asset": "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2",
    "amount": "10000000000000000",
    "from": "0x63056E00436Da25BcF48A40dfBbDcc7089351006",
    "onBehalfOf": "0x63056E00436Da25BcF48A40dfBbDcc7089351006",
    "gas": "408298"

With gasPriority (low):

    "lendborrowId": "1000",
    "asset": "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F",
    "amount": "10000000000000",
    "from": "0x356db816602c85e2075774bb77d13995c8bab023",
    "onBehalfOf": "0x356db816602c85e2075774bb77d13995c8bab023",
    "gas": "520000",
    "gasPriority": "low"

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Trigger the repay transaction from the given protocol.

POST https://api.expand.network/lendborrow/repay

Request Body

    "lendborrowId": "1000",
    "asset": "0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7",
    "amount": "100000",
    "from": "0x63056E00436Da25BcF48A40dfBbDcc7089351006",
    "onBehalfOf": "0x63056E00436Da25BcF48A40dfBbDcc7089351006",
    "interestRateMode": "2",
    "gas": "408298"

With gasPriority (medium):

    "lendborrowId": "1000",
    "asset": "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F",
    "amount": "10000000000",
    "from": "0xfAE7D9854995E28BEB1B1da864ee2A1E2EC17f07",
    "onBehalfOf": "0xfAE7D9854995E28BEB1B1da864ee2A1E2EC17f07",
    "interestRateMode": "2",
    "gas": "408298",

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Trigger the withdraw transaction from the given protocol.

POST https://api.expand.network/lendborrow/withdraw

Request Body

    "lendborrowId": "1000",
    "asset": "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F",
    "amount": "1000000000000000000",
    "from": "0x63056E00436Da25BcF48A40dfBbDcc7089351006",
    "to": "0x63056E00436Da25BcF48A40dfBbDcc7089351006",
    "gas": "408298"

With gasPriority (low):

    "lendborrowId": "1000",
    "asset": "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F",
    "amount": "100000000000",
    "from": "0xfAE7D9854995E28BEB1B1da864ee2A1E2EC17f07",
    "to": "0xfAE7D9854995E28BEB1B1da864ee2A1E2EC17f07",
    "gas": "408298",

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Last updated